School Board

Welcome to your School Board’s web page. We hope the information provided will assist you in understanding the role of the School Board, we encourage your participation with the education of our students. Please visit the District’s website often to remain current with the happenings in our District. There are significant academic advancements occurring daily in our School, we encourage you to volunteer, become engaged in the education of our youth, and provide a positive “Warrior Way” role model of your commitment to lifelong learning.  

We recognize the successes of our District (be they academic or extra-curricular), are attributed to the hard work and dedication of our Staff, Students, Parents, and You – our community as a whole. If we may be of further assistance to you please feel free to contact us; our email, telephone numbers, and committee assignments are provided below.  

TOGETHER we are transforming our youth, they are “learning today – leading tomorrow”.  It is our privilege to serve on YOUR School Board. 

As individuals we hold no authority! As a Board, and only during meetings, are we empowered by State Statute. The School Board is primarily responsible the following:

  • Certification of tax levies
  • Hiring a Superintendent (the CEO of our District)
  • Oversight of Financial, Facilities, & Human Resources of the District
  • Establishment of Policy
  • Setting the short and long term goals for the District, we then direct the Administrative team to implement those goals
  • Represent the District in collective bargaining negotiations with our Staff
  • And other various duties as defined in State Statute

We are a resource for you, to help guide the District. We do not manage the day-to-day operations of the District, Superintendent Ihrke is tasked with those responsibilities.   

We welcome and encourage your participation at our meetings. If you desire to address the Board please refer to our Public Address Policy #206. When you address the Board this is your opportunity to share with us information you feel is important for us to know; it is our intention to follow the guidelines established in policy #206.

If you have a particular concern we direct you to first speak with the source of your concern, many times the issue can be resolved with clear communication. The building Principal would be the next person you should meet with, in the unlikely event you still have an unresolved concern we encourage you to make an appointment with Mr. Ihrke our Superintendent. The school board is your final point of contact.

Meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Room #162 of the Elementary School Building (unless otherwise posted prior to the meeting). Special or Emergency meetings will be scheduled as the need arises and announced within the parameters identified by Statute.  

All our meetings are open for you to attend, unless the topics of discussion are confidential as defined in our Open/Closed Meeting Policy #205, a notice of intention to close that portion of the meeting will be identified in the agenda. When a closure occurs the general topic of the proposed closure will be identified prior to closing the meeting, a statement regarding the closure and any decisions made will be provided at our next regularly scheduled meeting.   

Our Agendas are available online at On-Line School Board Agendas. The Administration often provides us with additional material to help prepare for School Board meetings, one copy of said material will be provided for the public’s reference at our meetings.


Our meetings follow a pre-established format. The agenda will include:

  1. Calling the meeting to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll call
  4. Approval of agenda
  5. Warrior Pride – We recognize individuals or organizations who contribute to the success of our District
  6. School Board Showcase – We highlight significant events / efforts within our District
  7. Student School Board Representative report – Student School Board members are ex-officio members of the School Board we encourage them to share current events in the High School and to provide input during the meetings –
  8. Public comment
  9. Consent agenda
  10. Action items
  11. Administrative reports
  12. Old business
  13. New business
  14. Director reports
  15. Adjournment

Minutes of previous meetings are available for your review at School Board Meeting Minutes


Mike Peterson, Chair
Phone:  (507) 250-1186
Serving Since:  2023
COMMITTEES: Administrative Negotiations Committee; Curriculum/PSEO/On-line Learning Committee; Facilities Committee; Alternate for Houston County Collaborative Committee; Meet and Confer Committee; School Safety Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; and Teacher Negotiations Committee

Leigh King, Vice Chair
Phone:  507-459-8604
Serving Since:  2020
COMMITTEES:  Activities Committee, Administrative Negotiations Committee; Finance Committee; Alternate for the Minnesota State High School League; Qcomp Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; Technology Committee

Spencer Yohe, Clerk
Phone:  (320) 766-1934
Serving Since: 4-2006
COMMITTEES:  Community Ed Advisory Representative; Hiawatha Valley Education District Representative, Houston County Collaborative; Meet and Confer Committee; Minnesota State High School League Representative; Support Staff Negotiations Committee

Melissa Marschall, Treasurer
Phone:  (608) 797-0270
Serving Since:  2017
COMMITTEES:  Community Ed Advisory Council Representative; Finance Committee; Support Staff Negotiations Committee

Derek Adamson, Legislative Liaison
Phone:  (507) 429-8800
Serving Since:  2023
COMMITTEES:  Activities Committee; Facilities Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; School Safety Committee; Support Staff Negotiations Committee; Teacher Negotiations Committee

Julie Augedahl, Director
Phone:  (507) 450-3660
Serving Since:  2025
COMMITTEES:  Administrative Negotiations Committee; Finance Committee; Curriculum/PSEO/On-Line Learning Committee; Teacher Negotiations Committee; Technology Committee

Chad Harms, Director
Phone:  (612) 743-4610
Serving Since:  April 21, 2025

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS (non-voting):

Craig Ihrke, Superintendent
Phone:  (507) 725-3389
Addison Fruechte, Student Board Representative

Samantha Peters, Student Board Representative 

Online School Board Agendas

Past Years

School Board Agendas


School Board Meeting Minutes

Past Years

School Policies

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