Special Education
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Welcome to Caledonia Area Public School Special Education
Along the left you can be directed to information including- who we are, how to contact us, what we do, and other useful resources.
Contact: Clover Schmitt
Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD) Classrooms
DCD Teaching Staff
Elementary: Cyndi Welscher, cyndi_welscher@cps.k12.mn.us
Middle/High School: Sara Buros, sara_buros@cps.k12.mn.us
EBD Teaching Staff
Middle & High School: Thea Trebelhorn, thea_trebelhorn@cps.k12.mn.us
Learning Disabilities Teaching Staff
Cindy Staggemeyer,-Elementary School LC teacher: cindy_staggemeyer@cps.k12.mn.us
Colette Bruening-Early Childhood Special Ed teacher: colette_bruening@cps.k12.mn.us
Middle/High School
Tristan Jenson-Middle & High School LD teacher: tristan_jenson@cps.k12.mn.us
Katie Rask – Middle School LD teacher: katherine_rask@cps.k12.mn.us
Kim Head – High School LD teacher: kim_head@cps.k12.mn.us
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Work Experience?
Work Experience is offered to special education students and supervised through the work experience program. The purpose of the work experience program is to teach students needed job skills, aid in building responsibility, and to help students decide what they want to do after high school graduation.
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What is transition?
The focus of special education for students that are age 14 and above is transtion. The plan for these students must focus on their future after high school graduation. What will they need to know to pursue what they want to do after graduation in the community, in home life, additional education, job, and recreation? The focus on their education needs to consider these things.
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What is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individual Education Plan. This plan is made by the IEP team at least once a year. This plan states the student’s strengths, weaknesses, goals for the year, and accommodations the student needs to be as successful as possible.
Staff Roster
Middle/High School DCD Teacher Sara Buros
Phone: 507-725-3316 ext. 2006
High School Special Education Teacher Kim Head
Phone: 507-725-3316 ext. 3120
Katie Rask
Phone: 507-725-3316 ext 2107
Elementary Special Education Teacher Cindy Staggemeyer
Phone: 507-725-5205 ext. 1204
Middle/High School Special Education Teacher Thea Trebelhorn
Phone: 507-725-3316 ext 2101
Elementary Special Education Teacher Cyndi Welscher
511 W. Main St.
Caledonia, MN 55921 Phone: 507-725-5205 Ext. 1107